Ignore this at your peril. The information in this email could save your life.

Scientists have suffered another defeat in the fight against world diseases. The Haemolius Steepriclocci virus is the first living creature to have evolved to transmit itself via email. It works just like a computer virus, attaching itself to email messages and getting transmitted all over the world. But unlike other viruses, it is not your computer it wishes to infect, it is you! And because it is not a piece of computer code, but a living organism, no computer virus software will EVER be able to detect it. By opening any email, no matter what the title, you are at risk of being infected by the Haemolius Steepriclocci. The symptoms begin soon after. They include tiredness, irritability and a feeling that you are not appreciated. These feelings will increase throughout the day. Scientists say there is no known cure for this virus and that death will usually occur within sixty years.

You have been warned!!