Slinker's Linkers !

Sorry, but I couldn't resist it. Anyway, no matter how much I try to pretend otherwise this is just a page of links to all the places where I hang out on the web. If you want that full slinker experience then just click each link below in turn. There is another link I'm fond of too, but I can't put it here or my page would get deleted since it's a bit rude !

Where I work.
Oxford Computing Laboratory.
Stuff about Films.
At The Movies.
Interesting Psychology.
Software etc.
Very Silly.
Dr. Fellowbug's.
Calvin and Hobbes Sites.
Clive Barker's Cool Stuff.
Web of Lost Souls.
Amusing Cartoon Strips.
Dr. Fun.

[ Leave in disgust | Help I'm lost... ]

Don't click them, you must have better things to do.