As only I can (and actually quite a few other people too) I have decided to write about toast. Toast is good, and especially nice when hot and buttered. Cor! I don’t think I have an obsession with toast as such, but I do appreciate it as one of the most pleasing things in life –and it’s very misunderstood… (believe me it’s true!)
Cheese on toast is fantastic (a lot of people put Lea & Perrins on it too – did you know Lea & Perrins is made from anchovies? It’s true!!) and grill it. You can also put sweet things on it like honey and marmalade and peanut butter and everything, but I prefer savoury toast – far better! Anyhow, enough said, I could ramble all day, but I shan’t, I shall let you find out all about it yourself.. Hmmm toast! Enjoy!
Toasty Links!
Dr Toast – The most amazing site on the whole internet! I bow down to the sheer genius and commitment of Dr Toast – may many eulogies be written about this truly amazing man!
The Shrine – For holy worshippers of the toast. Bow down and be reverend at the feet of your almighty!