The tannasg
should be able to sense the presence of this equipment, and come to
investigate, if not, try shouting things like 'Is this a PERQ I see before
me' etc etc, but beware, the merest mention of such high tech equipment as
a PERQ will excite the curiousity of the many other denizens of this
area, then the SS20 will appear to the natives as something miraculous
( sufficiently advanced technology appearing to be magic, and all that)
they may form a 'Cargo Cult' venerating it as their god
( Indeed, as reported recently by Acine Y Calbasa in his recent Book
Guide to the tribes of Academie
"..coming towards me down the dirty passageway was a strange couple, one an old man, balding, the gleam of madness in his eyes, his follower, much younger but again bald of pate. I stopped them and inquired of their health and introduced myself as a stranger to their land, we fell into conversation and I learned that the priest, H'rri H'ze and his chela, Z'hurr l'yabk for such the pair were, were on a holy quest to seek their 'grail', a SS20, which, they were sure, when they prayed to it, would send them the V'lsi deamon Kahdense to do their bidding and perform wonderous miracles, such as would allow the old priest to regain once again his true status in life, for he was once powerful as a servant of another of the Gods of Academie, the god of lightning, now overthrown by the God of the Century. When I enquired as to who or what the SS20 was, I was told that one day, the old priest in despair had cried out into the wilderness for help, and a tribesman, one of the S'lessman of M'orze had appeared and shown him his icon of the SS20, and the wonders it could perform..." ) this shows how gullible they are, but I digress.
This is the last known photograph of a tannasg at City, if seen from above, you may recognise the distinctive bald spot